A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) provides a much more detailed analysis of a given property. Based on potential liability factors identified during the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment or Transaction Screening Report, a Phase II ESA targets the suspected potential environmental liabilities and investigates the actual environmental impairment of the property. The samples collected during a Phase II ESA are tested to determine if potential environmental conditions indicated in the Phase I ESA are in fact present on the property.

During a Phase II ESA, an experienced P2P environmental scientist will categorize the potential contaminants of concern and design a site specific sampling strategy to collect the necessary soil and groundwater samples and to analyze the samples for only the identified contaminants of concern. For soil and groundwater sampling, test holes are installed utilizing a variety of technologies, selected based on site specific requirements. Soil samples are collected at specified locations and depth intervals. Groundwater samples are often collected directly from the test borings or from temporary monitoring wells installed within the test holes. All samples are properly preserved and placed in appropriate containers for laboratory analysis.
Phase II Environmental Site Assessments can be combined with other environmental and/or geotechnical services such as: soil test boring; piezometer/monitoring well installation; subsurface exploration; soil and groundwater assessments and laboratory analysis; wetlands delineations; remediation services; and others.
A Phase II ESA report is prepared summarizing the findings and recommending additional corrective action activities and/or remedial solutions as needed. Upon completion of a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, an experienced member of the P2P Environmental team will provide a detailed ESA report of the environmental conditions found on the property as well as recommendations for managing those conditions.
Point to Point Environmental provides Phase II Environmental Site Assessments in Georgia and throughout the Southeast. Call today to see how we might be able to assist you with your next Phase II Environmental Site Assessment