Point to Point Environmental can be your resource when you need assistance with fulfilling your Tier II reporting requirements. An experienced Point to Point Environmental scientist can come to your facility and assist you with the completion of the yearly Tier II reporting requirements. Tier II reporting is a yearly requirement for facilities that store quantities of hazardous chemicals on their property. Tier II reporting is a federal obligation mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to satisfy the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). Though Tier II reporting is a federal requirement, the report itself is submitted to the state and local level authorities. The purpose of Tier II reporting is to provide state and local officials with specific information about the hazardous chemicals that are stored on your property. The intent of the federal law is to inform the public regarding the hazardous chemicals that are being stored at facilities in their community. In a practical function, Tier II reporting provides local officials and emergency responders with the information they need to in the event that there is a fire, flood, severe storm, act of terrorism, or other emergency situation that may affect your property. When these forms are stored on record with local fire departments, emergency management agencies (EMA) and Local Environmental Planning Committees (LEPCs), these entities are prepared to respond in event of an emergency.
As the Tier II reporting is submitted on the state and local level, you must check the specific state requirements and procedures to ensure you are in full compliance with this mandate. Tier II reporting forms are also known as Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory Forms. The reporting forms are designed to summarize the types, quantities, storage container types and locations, and the specific hazards associated with the chemicals at your location. The facility’s designated 24-hour emergency point of contact is also outlined on the reporting form.
The first question most facility owners ask is Do I need to submit a Tier II report? The reporting requirements are specific to the chemical in question and the quantity stored on your property. There are exemptions for certain chemical classes such as food or food additives, substances stored in a solid state, and chemicals stored for agriculture use. The EPA maintains lists available online to assist with making a determination of your reporting requirements. The data available on these online resources can assist with making an assessment of your reporting requirements. However, your LEPC may still require you to prepare and submit a Tier II reporting form even if your facility does not exceed the volume of chemicals stored on your property. Point to Point environmental understands that though your may be very familiar with the hazardous chemicals stored on your property, interpreting the requirements outlined within a federal mandate can be difficult. Additionally, the Tier II report itself requires detailed information about your chemicals including compositional mixtures, hazard classifications, physical and chemical properties, health and safety exposure information, and Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) numbers and North America Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes. Point to Point Environmental is here to help when you need assistance with fulfilling your Tier II reporting requirements.
When a facility is meets the reporting threshold, the applicable state specific Tier II reporting requirements must be carefully examined. Many states have adopted electronic filing of Tier II reports, and they may not accept paper reports submitted via postal mail. Other states have adopted an online only submission process. There is an online Tier II report preparation and submittal website administered by the University of Texas at Dallas. For a nominal fee, a facility owner can complete the Tier II report and upload the completed form to the website. A confirmation email is sent to document the successful completion of a Tier II report submittal. An owner is responsible to always specifically confirm and follow through with the applicable state and local requirements. Point to Point Environmental understands that these computer and web based reporting options may seem unwieldy to many facility owners. Point to Point Environmental staff have the technical knowledge and experience to assist you with navigating Tier II reporting.
The EPA requires Tier II reports be submitted by March 1 each year to document the hazardous chemicals stored onsite during the prior calendar year. Failure to complete the Tier II reporting can results in substantial penalties for the violation. The EPA fine for failure to complete these requirements can be up to $27,500 or more per violation. During routine compliance audits, state and local regulators and inspectors will often verify that the proper Tier II reporting has been completed. Additionally, the fines can be assessed retroactively to the date discovered, multiplying quickly into crippling amounts.
Point to Point Environmental will work with you to complete the Tier II reporting in a cost efficient manner that will minimize your time expended on these tasks and protect against possible violations and fines. Don’t get caught without having completed the required Tier II reporting for your facility, and contact Point to Point Environmental for assistance at 678-565-4440.